Chek Hup started in the rock sugar trade, from production to manufacturing to selling and distribution.
To date, we have grown to provide a variety of traditional sugars. These sugars are popularly used in traditional herbal beverages, desserts and soups commonly found in ethnic cuisines of Southeast Asia and Greater China.
Our selection of sugars includes brown sugar, candied melon strips (of wintermelon), rock sugars, and honey rock sugar. Unlike standard white sugars, these specialty sugars are not thoroughly refined, retaining their natural flavours that may add depth and complexity to the foods they’re added to.
For the health-conscious, we also have our special low-GI Rock Sugar, available in both traditional and convenience packs!
We also feature a hearty Mixed Brown Sugar and Ginger combination, though our signature offering would be our Convenience Rock Sugar series. Available in both stick and freeflow form in zip-lock packs, this series offers rock sugar packaged in smaller pieces that make it more manageable and measurable compared to other rock sugar offerings on the market, which are packaged in bigger pieces.

Did you know?
We have a special
Low GI Rock Sugar
available too!